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Become member!

Pay a small amount of money to become member of the best student association of Tilburg!

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Indoor Toprope Course

Indoor Toprope Course

Beginner in climbing? Read all about the beginners course at the Sports Center.

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What is happening at TilSAC? Stories written by and about the members.

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TilSAC is a vibrant community of Dutch and international students united by a passion for climbing. Whether you're into top roping, bouldering, alpine climbing, or any other type of climbing, you'll find your place with us. We regularly climb at the University Sports Center, Neoliet Tilburg, and Block013, and we travel to different climbing regions for our climbing trips. Plus, our members enjoy exclusive discounts at various climbing gyms.

Our activities go beyond just climbing. We host a range of social and formal events, including the TilSAC Cup, where members can showcase their skills in a friendly competition. To learn more about our activities and climbing weekends, check out the activities page or contact us directly.

TilSAC has grown from a small association into a rapidly expanding community, reflecting the rising popularity of climbing, especially bouldering. We're thrilled by this enthusiasm as it brings more people to share our passion and find new climbing partners. Join us and become part of our dynamic and supportive climbing family 🙂