TilSAC has arranged some discounts for their members with help of Block013 and Neoliet Tilburg. If you want to use the discounts, you need to have the TilSAC sticker on your Neoliet or Block-card. You can get the stickers at the training or contact the board about them. Please note that these discounts are for students only.
Discounts Block013
10 entrance card
103,5€ (original price: 121,5€)
Discounts Neoliet
Top rope course
50% discount (final price: 65€)
Lead climb course
100€ (Including entrance fee)
Single entry
9,50€ when entering before 16:00 during weekdays, else 13,50€
10 entrance card
Discounts Boulder Tilburg
Weekdays (Monday-Friday)
8,25€ until 4 pm
8,25€ all day! (instead of 12.50€)
Price Comparison Table:
This table compares prices for people who are:
* between 18 and 25
* a TilSAC member
* A student (at TU / Avans / Fontys)